Tuesday, February 2, 2010

orphans awaiting clearance

I am getting ready to spend another night in the US embassy awaiting the signature of the Haitian prime minister so that orphans can be released to their homes in the US.
Every family has a story from the baby who spent 5 hours in the rubble to the mom wh has been following the process sinc her little girl was an infant. Lilly is now 3 yrs old.
What follows was written by Peter Anderson-"papa Pierre" who is loved by Kenia and Berlande.

From: Wendzi
Sent: Jan 28, 2010 6:31 PM

  The US Embassy is doing nothing to facilitate allowing adoptive parents
with their "hoped for " adopted children who have received humanitarian
parole to leave HAITI instead bowing to Preval's request, emphasize
request, that he personally sign off on Haitian children going to the US.
The email from Ms. Strassner is heartbreaking as she has been sleeping on
the floor of the Embassy in PAP for two nights with her girls and the US
Consul General, and the US Ambassador, are incapable or bureaucratically
incompetent of assisting in the process. She will spend yet another night
with two now sick girls hoping our Government shows some mercy and as
much fortitude as the Canadians and the French!  Anyone who has a
suggestion as to how to publicize, better yet just remedy, the inhumane
and patronizing treatment these families are receiving and get something
done would be most appreciated.

I just returned Monday and PAP is no place for abandoned children or, for
that matter, any child at present.

Peter Anderson | Partner | 404.853.8414

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